TY - JOUR TI - PSEUDOMONAS-AERUGINOSA FOLLICULITIS DUE TO NON-0/11 SEROGROUPS - ACQUISITION THROUGH USE OF CONTAMINATED SYNTHETIC SPONGES AU - MANIATIS, AN AU - KARKAVITSAS, C AU - MANIATIS, NA AU - TSIFTSAKIS, E and AU - GENIMATA, V AU - LEGAKIS, NJ JO - Clinical Infectious Diseases PY - 1995 VL - 21 TODO - 2 SP - 437-439 PB - University of Chicago Press SN - 1058-4838, 1537-6591 TODO - 10.1093/clinids/21.2.437 TODO - null TODO - We describe the features of 13 cases of Pseudomonas aeruginosa folliculitis (eight of which occurred sporadically and five of which resulted from two family outbreaks) that developed subsequent to the use of commercial synthetic sponges for bathing, On the basis of O serogrouping and pyocin typing and subtyping, the strains recovered from the skin lesions were found to be identical to those isolated from household shower water and sponges. P. aetuginosa folliculitis is commonly caused by the serogroup O:11; The serogroups described in this study are rare causative agents of this type of skin infection. We believe that this is the first report of P. aeruginosa folliculitis due to serogroups O:3 and O:16. ER -