TY - JOUR TI - The Spectral Nature of Titan's Major Geomorphological Units: Constraints on Surface Composition AU - Solomonidou, A. AU - Coustenis, A. AU - Lopes, R.M.C. AU - Malaska, M.J. AU - Rodriguez, S. AU - Drossart, P. AU - Elachi, C. AU - Schmitt, B. AU - Philippe, S. AU - Janssen, M. AU - Hirtzig, M. AU - Wall, S. AU - Sotin, C. AU - Lawrence, K. AU - Altobelli, N. AU - Bratsolis, E. AU - Radebaugh, J. AU - Stephan, K. AU - Brown, R.H. AU - Le Mouélic, S. AU - Le Gall, A. AU - Villanueva, E.V. AU - Brossier, J.F. AU - Bloom, A.A. AU - Witasse, O. AU - Matsoukas, C. AU - Schoenfeld, A. JO - Journal of Geophysical Research - Planets PY - 2018 VL - 123 TODO - 2 SP - 489-507 PB - Wiley-Blackwell Publishing Ltd SN - 2169-9097, 2169-9100 TODO - 10.1002/2017JE005477 TODO - albedo; geomorphological mapping; haze; planetary evolution; planetary surface; radiative transfer; Saturn; spectral analysis; Titan TODO - We investigate Titan's low-latitude and midlatitude surface using spectro-imaging near-infrared data from Cassini/Visual and Infrared Mapping Spectrometer. We use a radiative transfer code to first evaluate atmospheric contributions and then extract the haze and the surface albedo values of major geomorphological units identified in Cassini Synthetic Aperture Radar data, which exhibit quite similar spectral response to the Visual and Infrared Mapping Spectrometer data. We have identified three main categories of albedo values and spectral shapes, indicating significant differences in the composition among the various areas. We compare with linear mixtures of three components (water ice, tholin-like, and a dark material) at different grain sizes. Due to the limited spectral information available, we use a simplified model, with which we find that each albedo category of regions of interest can be approximately fitted with simulations composed essentially by one of the three surface candidates. Our fits of the data are overall successful, except in some cases at 0.94, 2.03, and 2.79 μm, indicative of the limitations of our simplistic compositional model and the need for additional components to reproduce Titan's complex surface. Our results show a latitudinal dependence of Titan's surface composition, with water ice being the major constituent at latitudes beyond 30°N and 30°S, while Titan's equatorial region appears to be dominated partly by a tholin-like or by a very dark unknown material. The albedo differences and similarities among the various geomorphological units give insights on the geological processes affecting Titan's surface and, by implication, its interior. We discuss our results in terms of origin and evolution theories. ©2018. American Geophysical Union. All Rights Reserved. ER -