TY - JOUR TI - Secure Information Sharing in Adversarial Adaptive Diffusion Networks AU - Ntemos, K. AU - Plata-Chaves, J. AU - Kolokotronis, N. AU - Kalouptsidis, N. AU - Moonen, M. JO - IEEE Transactions on Signal and Information Processing over Networks PY - 2018 VL - 4 TODO - 1 SP - 111-124 PB - Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Inc. (IEEE) SN - 2373-776X TODO - 10.1109/TSIPN.2017.2787910 TODO - Behavioral research; Diffusion; Game theory; Information analysis; Information dissemination, Adaptive diffusions; Communication cost; Diffusion algorithm; Diffusion strategies; Estimation performance; In-network processing; Information sharing; Secure information sharing, Parameter estimation TODO - In this paper, information sharing over adversarial adaptive networks is considered. Defense against adversarial attacks is enforced by an attack detection mechanism that guides the diffusion strategy in the parameter estimation task and the transmission decisions of agents. The latter are taken to maximize long-term rewards, expressed in terms of estimation performance, communication cost, and illegal gains in a nonzero sum repeated game with imperfect action monitoring. In order to track agents' behavior and stimulate cooperation, a reputation protocol is designed, along with the deployment of a set of honest nodes whose behavior is consistent with the reputation protocol. An algorithm that promotes cooperation and can achieve secure parameter estimation is described and illustrated by simulations. © 2015 IEEE. ER -