TY - JOUR TI - Energy from the bulk through parametric resonance AU - Diakonos, FK AU - Saridakis, EN AU - Tetradis, N JO - PHYSICS LETTERS B PY - 2005 VL - 605 TODO - 1-2 SP - 1-8 PB - Elsevier SN - 0370-2693 TODO - 10.1016/j.physletb.2004.08.077 TODO - null TODO - We demonstrate that energy can be transferred very rapidly from the bulk to the brane through parametric resonance. In a simple realization, we consider a massless bulk field that interacts only with fields localized on the brane. We assume an initial field configuration that has the form of a wave-packet moving towards the brane. During the reflection of the wave-packet by the brane the localized fields can be excited through parametric resonance. The mechanism is also applicable to bulk fields with a potential. The rapid energy transfer can have important cosmological and astrophysical implications. (C) 2004 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved. ER -