TY - JOUR TI - Combination of somatostatin analogues and dexamethasone (antisurvival-factor concept) with luteinizing hormone-releasing hormone in androgen ablation-refractory prostate cancer with bone metastasis AU - Koutsilieris, Michael AU - Dimopoulos, Theodore AU - Milathianakis, AU - Constantine AU - Bogdanos, John AU - Karamanolakis, Dimitrios and AU - Pissimissis, Nicholas AU - Halapas, Antonis AU - Lembessis, Peter and AU - Papaioannou, Andreas AU - Sourla, Antigone JO - BJU international (Papier) PY - 2007 VL - 100 TODO - 2 SP - 60-62 PB - Wiley SN - null TODO - 10.1111/j.1464-410X.2007.06958.x TODO - null TODO - null ER -