TY - CONF TI - BLACE: A Real Time Tracking Application as a Social Network AU - Nasis, George AU - Tsalgatidou, Aphrodite PY - 2018 SP - 174-179 PB - ASSOCIATION FOR COMPUTING MACHINERY T2 - 22ND PAN-HELLENIC CONFERENCE ON INFORMATICS (PCI 2018) TODO - 10.1145/3291533.3291584 TODO - real time tracking; meeting; distance calculation; time calculation; social network TODO - The need of communication between people constitutes a primary pursuit in organized societies. Despite the rapid growth of technology in the last decades, followed by the generation of products and services that are targeting to cover the telecommunications needs, the frequent communication noises have not been eliminated. The absence of timely, consistent and effective arrangement of a specific spot of meeting and time, delays and failures, when the point is the physical contact, are only some of them. In this paper, we propose an internet application which could improve the aforementioned situation by providing real-time interactive maps with the specific routes of people; it also provides dynamic information of the remaining time and distance related to the meeting point. Essentially, the application is a social network with full operations of interactions between the users. Similar applications and services have been examined in order to assess their functionality, and identify their shortcomings, so as to ensure that the proposed application is original, simple, friendly, effective and efficient. Through the presentation of the developed application we explain its benefits and describe its design and our desirable goal. ER -