TY - JOUR TI - Thyroid hormone receptor alpha 1 as a novel therapeutic target for tissue repair AU - Pantos, Constantinos AU - Mourouzis, Iordanis JO - Annals of translational medicine PY - 2018 VL - 6 TODO - 12 SP - null PB - AME PUBL CO SN - null TODO - 10.21037/atm.2018.06.12 TODO - Thyroid hormone (TH); thyroid hormone receptor alpha 1 (TR alpha 1); repair; regeneration; heart failure (HF); myocardial ischemia; brain; skeletal muscle TODO - Analogies between the damaged tissue and developing organ indicate that a regulatory network that drives embryonic organ development may control aspects of tissue repair. In this regard, there is a growing body of experimental and clinical evidence showing that TH may be critical for recovery after injury. Especially TR alpha 1 has been reported to play an essential role in cell proliferation and differentiation and thus in the process of repair/regeneration in the heart and other tissues. Patients after myocardial infarction, stroke or therapeutic interventions [such as PCI for coronary artery disease (CAD)] with lower TH levels appear to have increased morbidity and mortality. Accordingly, TH treatment in clinical settings of ischemia/reperfusion such as by-pass surgery seems to be cardioprotective against ischemic injury. Furthermore, TH therapy of donors is shown to result in organ preservation and increased numbers of donors and improved post-transplantation graft survival. TH and thyroid analogs may prove novel therapeutic agents for tissue repair. ER -