TY - JOUR TI - Measurement of nuclear effects on psi(2S) production in p-Pb collisions at root s(NN)=8:16 TeV AU - Acharya, S. AU - Adamova, D. AU - Adler, A. AU - Adolfsson, J. and AU - Aggarwal, M. M. AU - Rinella, G. Aglieri AU - Agnello, M. AU - Agrawal, N. AU - and Ahammed, Z. AU - Ahmad, S. AU - Ahn, S. U. AU - Akindinov, A. and AU - Al-Turany, M. AU - Alam, S. N. AU - Albuquerque, D. S. D. AU - Aleksandrov, AU - D. AU - Alessandro, B. AU - Alfanda, H. M. AU - Alfaro Molina, R. AU - Ali, AU - B. AU - Ali, Y. AU - Alici, A. AU - Alkin, A. AU - Alme, J. AU - Alt, T. and AU - Altenkamper, L. AU - Altsybeev, I AU - Anaam, M. N. AU - Andrei, C. and AU - Andreou, D. AU - Andrews, H. A. AU - Andronic, A. AU - Angeletti, M. and AU - Anguelov, V AU - Anson, C. AU - Anticic, T. AU - Antinori, F. and AU - Antonioli, P. AU - Anwar, R. AU - Apadula, N. AU - Aphecetche, L. and AU - Appelshaeuser, H. AU - Arcelli, S. AU - Arnaldi, R. AU - Arratia, M. and AU - Arsene, I. C. AU - Arslandok, M. 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AU - Zimmermann, M. B. AU - Zinovjev, G. and AU - Zurlo, N. AU - ALICE Collaboration JO - Journal of High Energy Physics PY - 2020 VL - null TODO - 7 SP - null PB - Springer-Verlag SN - 1126-6708, 1029-8479 TODO - 10.1007/JHEP07(2020)237 TODO - Heavy Ion Experiments; Heavy-ion collision TODO - Inclusive psi(2S) production is measured in p-Pb collisions at the centre-of-mass energy per nucleon-nucleon pair root s(NN) = 8.16 TeV, using the ALICE detector at the CERN LHC. The production of psi(2S) is studied at forward (2.03< y(cms)<3.53) and backward (-4.46< y(cms)< -2.96) centre-of-mass rapidity and for transverse momentump(T)<12 GeV/cvia the decay to muon pairs. In this paper, we report the integrated as well as they(cms)- andp(T)-differential inclusive production cross sections. Nuclear effects on psi(2S) production are studied via the determination of the nuclear modification factor that shows a strong suppression at both forward and backward centre-of-mass rapidities. Comparisons with corresponding results for inclusive J/psi show a similar suppression for the two states at forward rapidity (p-going direction), but a stronger suppression for psi(2S) at backward rapidity (Pb-going direction). As a function ofp(T), no clear dependence of the nuclear modification factor is found. The relative size of nuclear effects on psi(2S) production compared to J/psi is also studied via the double ratio of production cross sections [sigma(psi(2S))/sigma(J/psi)]pPb/[sigma(psi(2S))/sigma(J/psi)](pp) between p-Pb and pp collisions. The results are compared with theoretical models that include various effects related to the initial and final state of the collision system and also with previous measurements at root s(NN) = 5.02 TeV. ER -