TY - JOUR TI - A Role for Sox2 in the Adult Cerebellum. AU - Mandalos, Nikolaos Panagiotis AU - Karampelas, Ioannis AU - Saridaki, Marannia AU - McKay, Ronald D. G. AU - Cohen, Mark L. AU - Remboutsika, Eumorphia JO - Journal of stem cell research & therapy PY - 2018 VL - 8 TODO - 7 SP - 433 PB - SN - null TODO - 10.4172/2157-7633.1000433 TODO - *Neurodegeneration, *Development, *Differentiation, *Neural progenitor cells, *Neural stem cells, *Neurogenesis, *Sox genes TODO - The cerebellum, a derivative of the hindbrain, plays a crucial role in balance and posture as well as in higher cognitive and locomotive processes. Cerebellar development is initiated during the segmental phase of hindbrain formation. Here, we describe the phenotype, of a single surviving adult conditional mouse mutant mouse, in which Sox2 function is ablated in embryonic radial glial cells by means of hGFAP-CRE. The single Sox2(RGINV/mosaic) adult mutant mouse displays motor disability, microsomia, reduced Central Nervous System (CNS) size and cerebellar defects associated with human genetically related congenital abnormalities. ER -