Α. S. Liossi , D. Ntountaniotis, T.F. Kellici, M.V. Chatziathanasiadou, G. Megariotis, M. Mania, J. Becker-Baldus, M. Kriechbaum, A. Krajnc, E. Christodoulou, C. Glaubitz , M. Rappolt, H. Amenitsch, Gregor Mali, D.N. Theodorou, G. Valsami, M. Pitsikalis, H. Iatrou, A. Tzakos, T. Mavromoustakos, Exploring the interactions of irbesartan and irbesartan–2-hydroxypropyl-β-cyclodextrin complex with model membranes, Biochimica et Biophysica Acta (BBA), (1859), 1089-1098, 2017, Elsevier, 0006-3002