Papachristou, N. Barnaghi, P. Cooper, B.A. Hu, X. Maguire, R. Apostolidis, K. Armes, J. Conley, Y.P. Hammer, M. Katsaragakis, S. Kober, K.M. Levine, J.D. McCann, L. Patiraki, E. Paul, S.M. Ream, E. Wright, F. Miaskowski, C., Congruence Between Latent Class and K-Modes Analyses in the Identification of Oncology Patients With Distinct Symptom Experiences, Journal of Pain and Symptom Management, (55), 318-333.e4, 2018, ELSEVIER SCIENCE INC 360 PARK AVE SOUTH, NEW YORK, NY 10010-1710 USA, 0885-3924