Sarraj, Amrou Grotta, James Albers, Gregory W. Hassan, Ameer E. Blackburn, Spiros Day, Arthur Sitton, Clark Abraham, Michael Cai, Chunyan Dannenbaum, Mark Pujara, Deep and Hicks, William Budzik, Ronald Vora, Nirav Arora, Ashish and Alenzi, Bader Tekle, Wondwossen G. Kamal, Haris Mir, Osman and Barreto, Andrew D. Lansberg, Maarten Gupta, Rishi and Martin-Schild, Sheryl Savitz, Sean Tsivgoulis, Georgios and SELECT Investigators, Clinical and Neuroimaging Outcomes of Direct Thrombectomy vs Bridging Therapy in Large Vessel Occlusion Analysis of the SELECT Cohort Study, Functional Neurology, (96), E2839-E2853, 2021, Lippincott, Williams & Wilkins,