Hagedoorn, Nienke N. Borensztajn, Dorine Nijman, Ruud Gerard and Nieboer, Daan Herberg, Jethro Adam Balode, Anda von Both, Ulrich Carrol, Enitan Eleftheriou, Irini Emonts, Marieke and van der Flier, Michiel de Groot, Ronald Kohlmaier, Benno and Lim, Emma Maconochie, Ian Martinon-Torres, Federico Pokorn, Marko Strle, Franc Tsolia, Maria Zavadska, Dace Zenz, Werner Levin, Michael Vermont, Clementien Moll, Henriette A., Development and validation of a prediction model for invasive bacterial infections in febrile children at European Emergency Departments: MOFICHE, a prospective observational study, Archives of Disease in Childhood, (106), 641-647, 2021, BMJ Publishing Group, 0003-9888, 1468-2044