Cenko, Edina Badimon, Lina Bugiardini, Raffaele Claeys, Marc J. De Luca, Giuseppe de Wit, Cor Derumeaux, Genevieve and Dorobantu, Maria Duncker, Dirk J. Eringa, Etto C. Gorog, Diana A. Hassager, Christian Heinzel, Frank R. Huber, Kurt and Manfrini, Olivia Milicic, Davor Oikonomou, Evangelos and Padro, Teresa Trifunovic-Zamaklar, Danijela and Vasiljevic-Pokrajcic, Zorana Vavlukis, Marija Vilahur, Gemma and Tousoulis, Dimitris, Cardiovascular disease and COVID-19: a consensus paper from the ESC Working Group on Coronary Pathophysiology & Microcirculation, ESC Working Group on Thrombosis and the Association for Acute CardioVascular Care (ACVC), in collaboration with the European Heart Rhythm Association (EHRA), Cardiovascular Research, (117), 2705-2729, 2021, Oxford University Press, 0008-6363, 1755-3245