Markantonatou, A.-M. Tragiannidis, A. Galani, V. Doganis, D. Antoniadi, K. Tsipou, H. Lambrou, M. Katzilakis, N. Paisiou, A. Palabougiouki, M. Servitzoglou, M. Papakonstantinou, E. Peristeri, I. Stiakaki, E. Kosmidis, E. Polychronopoulou, S. Kattamis, A. Vyzantiadis, T.-A., Diagnostic capacity for invasive fungal infections in the greek paediatric haematology-oncology units: Report from the infection working group of the hellenic society of paediatric haematology-oncology, JOURNAL OF FUNGI, (7), 2021, MDPI AG,