Ziros, P.G. Habeos, I.G. Chartoumpekis, D.V. Ntalampyra, E. Somm, E. Renaud, C.O. Bongiovanni, M. Trougakos, I.P. Yamamoto, M. Kensler, T.W. Santisteban, P. Carrasco, N. Ris-Stalpers, C. Amendola, E. Liao, X.-H. Rossich, L. Thomasz, L. Juvenal, G.J. Refetoff, S. Sykiotis, G.P., NFE2-Related transcription factor 2 coordinates antioxidant defense with thyroglobulin production and iodination in the thyroid gland, Thyroid Research, (28), 780-798, 2018, MARY ANN LIEBERT INC PUBL, 1756-6614