Domenica Cappellini, M. Viprakasit, V. Taher, A.T. Georgiev, P. Kuo, K.H.M. Coates, T. Voskaridou, E. Liew, H.-K. Pazgal-Kobrowski, I. Forni, G.L. Perrotta, S. Khelif, A. Lal, A. Kattamis, A. Vlachaki, E. Origa, R. Aydinok, Y. Bejaoui, M. Joy Ho, P. Chew, L.-P. Bee, P.-C. Lim, S.-M. Lu, M.-Y. Tantiworawit, A. Ganeva, P. Gercheva, L. Shah, F. Neufeld, E.J. Thompson, A. Laadem, A. Shetty, J.K. Zou, J. Zhang, J. Miteva, D. Zinger, T. Linde, P.G. Sherman, M.L. Hermine, O. Porter, J. Piga, A. BELIEVE Investigators, A phase 3 trial of luspatercept in patients with transfusion-dependent β-thalassemia, The New England journal of medicine, (382), 1219-1231, 2020, Massachussetts Medical Society,