Edwards, M.R. Saglani, S. Schwarze, J. Skevaki, C. Smith, J.A. Ainsworth, B. Almond, M. Andreakos, E. Belvisi, M.G. Chung, K.F. Cookson, W. Cullinan, P. Hawrylowicz, C. Lommatzsch, M. Jackson, D. Lutter, R. Marsland, B. Moffatt, M. Thomas, M. Virchow, J.C. Xanthou, G. Edwards, J. Walker, S. Johnston, S.L. Adcock, I. Akdis, C. Bel, E. Bousquet, J. Ten Brinke, A. Brusselle, G. Dáhlen, S.-E. Djukanovic, R. Gaga, M. Garcia-Marcos, L. Hiemstra, P. Heffler, E. Holgate, S. Kupczyk, M. Lloyd, C. Lucas, J. Magnan, A. Martin, T. Myles, D. Page, C. Palkonen, S. Papadopoulos, N. Papi, A. Powell, P. Riley, J. Sayers, I. Spanevello, A. Sterk, P. Xepapadaki, P. Wheelock, .C. members of the EARIP WP2 working group12, Addressing unmet needs in understanding asthma mechanisms, The European respiratory journal, (49), 2017, European Respiratory Society,