Zarkavelis, G. Samantas, E. Koliou, G.-A. Papadopoulou, K. Mauri, D. Aravantinos, G. Batistatou, A. Pazarli, E. Tryfonopoulos, D. Tsipoura, A. Bobos, M. Psyrri, A. Makatsoris, T. Petraki, C. Pectasides, D. Fountzilas, G. Pentheroudakis, G., AGAPP: efficacy of first-line cisplatin, 5-fluorouracil with afatinib in inoperable gastric and gastroesophageal junction carcinomas. A Hellenic Cooperative Oncology Group study, Acta Oncologica, (60), 785-793, 2021, Taylor and Francis Ltd., 0284-186X, 1651-226X