Dimopoulos, Meletios A. Terpos, Evangelos Chanan-Khan, Asher and Leung, Nelson Ludwig, Heinz Jagannath, Sundar Niesvizky, Ruben Giralt, Sergio Fermand, Jean-Paul Blade, Joan and Comenzo, Raymond L. Sezer, Orhan Palumbo, Antonio and Harousseau, Jean-Luc Richardson, Paul G. Barlogie, Bart and Anderson, Kenneth C. Sonneveld, Pieter Tosi, Patrizia Cavo, Michele Rajkumar, S. Vincent Durie, Brian G. M. San Miguel, Jesus, Renal Impairment in Patients With Multiple Myeloma: A Consensus Statement on Behalf of the International Myeloma Working Group, World Journal of Clinical Oncology, (28), 4976-4984, 2010, AMER SOC CLINICAL ONCOLOGY 2318 MILL ROAD, STE 800, ALEXANDRIA, VA 22314 USA,