Bartlett, John M. S. Bloom, Kenneth J. Piper, Tammy Lawton, Thomas J. van de Velde, Cornelis J. H. Ross, Douglas T. and Ring, Brian Z. Seitz, Robert S. Beck, Rodney A. Hasenburg, Annette Kieback, Dirk Putter, Hein Markopoulos, Christos and Dirix, Luc Seynaeve, Caroline Rea, Daniel, Mammostrat As an Immunohistochemical Multigene Assay for Prediction of Early Relapse Risk in the Tamoxifen Versus Exemestane Adjuvant Multicenter Trial Pathology Study, World Journal of Clinical Oncology, (30), 4477-4484, 2012, AMER SOC CLINICAL ONCOLOGY 2318 MILL ROAD, STE 800, ALEXANDRIA, VA 22314 USA,