Puntervoll, Hanne Eknes Yang, Xiaohong R. Vetti, Hildegunn Hoberg Bachmann, Ingeborg M. Avril, Marie Francoise and Benfodda, Meriem Catricala, Caterina Dalle, Stephane and Duval-Modeste, Anne B. Ghiorzo, Paola Grammatico, Paola and Harland, Mark Hayward, Nicholas K. Hu, Hui-Han Jouary, Thomas Martin-Denavit, Tanguy Ozola, Aija Palmer, Jane M. and Pastorino, Lorenza Pjanova, Dace Soufir, Nadem Steine, Solrun J. Stratigos, Alexander J. Thomas, Luc Tinat, Julie and Tsao, Hensin Veinalde, Ruta Tucker, Margaret A. and Bressac-de Paillerets, Brigitte Newton-Bishop, Julia A. and Goldstein, Alisa M. Akslen, Lars A. Molven, Anders, Melanoma prone families with CDK4 germline mutation: phenotypic profile and associations with MC1R variants, JOURNAL OF MEDICAL GENETICS, (50), 264-U82, 2013, BMJ Publishing Group, 0022-2593