Ahmed, Kamran Patel, Sachin Aydin, Abdullatif Veneziano, Domenico van Cleynenbreugel, Ben Goezen, Ali Serdar and Skolarikos, Andreas Sietz, Christian Lahme, Sven Knoll, Thomas Palou Redorta, Juan Somani, Bhaskar Kumar and Sanguedolce, Francesco Liatsikos, Evangelos Rassweiler, Jens and Khan, Muhammad Shamim Dasgupta, Prokar Sarica, Kemal, European Association of Urology Section of Urolithiasis (EULIS) Consensus Statement on Simulation, Training, and Assessment in Urolithiasis, European Urology Focus, (4), 614-620, 2018, Elsevier, 2405-4569