Sarraj, Amrou Goyal, Nitin Chen, Michael Blackburn, Spiros and Requena, Manuel Kamal, Haris Grotta, James C. Abraham, Michael G. Elijovich, Lucas Mir, Osman Tekle, Wondwossen G. and Pujara, Deep Shaker, Faris Reddy, Sujan T. Parsha, Kaushik N. Alenzi, Bader Hoit, Daniel Martin-schild, Sheryl B. Song, Sarah Sitton, Clark Tsivgoulis, Georgios K. and Alexandrov, V, Andrei Arthur, Adam S. Day, Arthur L. Hassan, Ameer E. Ribo, Marc, Direct to Angio in Transferred Patients is Associated With Faster Reperfusion and Higher Functional Independence Rates Both During Regular and On-Call Hours: A Multi Center Cohort, ISRN Stroke, (52), 2021, Lippincott, Williams & Wilkins, 2090-9454