Banys-Paluchowski, Maggie Gasparri, Maria Luisa de Boniface, Jana Gentilini, Oreste Stickeler, Elmar Hartmann, Steffi and Thill, Marc Rubio, Isabel T. Di Micco, Rosa Bonci, Eduard-Alexandru Niinikoski, Laura Kontos, Michalis and Karadeniz Cakmak, Guldeniz Hauptmann, Michael Peintinger, Florentia Pinto, David Matrai, Zoltan Murawa, Dawid and Kadayaprath, Geeta Dostalek, Lukas Nina, Helidon Krivorotko, Petr Classe, Jean-Marc Schlichting, Ellen Appelgren, Matilda and Paluchowski, Peter Solbach, Christine Blohmer, Jens-Uwe and Kuehn, Thorsten AXSANA Study Grp, Surgical Management of the Axilla in Clinically Node-Positive Breast Cancer Patients Converting to Clinical Node Negativity through Neoadjuvant Chemotherapy: Current Status, Knowledge Gaps, and Rationale for the EUBREAST-03 AXSANA Study, JMIR Cancer, (13), 2021, MDPI,