Dummer, Reinhard Long, Georgina V. Robert, Caroline Tawbi, Hussein A. Flaherty, Keith T. Ascierto, Paolo A. Nathan, Paul D. Rutkowski, Piotr Leonov, Oleg Dutriaux, Caroline MandalĂ , Mario Lorigan, Paul Ferrucci, Pier Francesco Grob, Jean Jacques Meyer, Nicolas Gogas, Helen Stroyakovskiy, Daniil Arance, Ana Brase, Jan C. Green, Steven Haas, Tomas Masood, Aisha Gasal, Eduard Ribas, Antoni Schadendorf, Dirk, Randomized Phase III Trial Evaluating Spartalizumab Plus Dabrafenib and Trametinib for BRAF V600-Mutant Unresectable or Metastatic Melanoma., Journal of clinical oncology: official journal of the American Society of Clinical Oncology, JCO2101601, 2022,