@inproceedings{1056037, title = "A technical and economic study on the possibility of converting the central heating systems of the Acropolis area into non, or less, polluting ones", author = "Κουμούτσος, Νικόλαος Γ. and Ξυντάρης, Α. and Μαγιόπουλος, Ρ. and Διονυσόπουλος, Γ. and Παλυβός, Ιωάννης Α.", year = "1976", pages = "343-345", booktitle = "2ον Διεθνές συμπόσιον επί της καταστροφής των λίθων είς κατασκευάς. 2me Colloque international sur la détérioration des pierres en oeuvre. 2nd International symposium on the deterioration of building stones" }