@inproceedings{2332889, title = "'Wo-manity' in the yoke of the harem: European women travel writers, authors and journalists of the 17th, 18th , 19th and early 20th centuries", author = "Irene Kamberidou", year = "2014", pages = "1", publisher = "University Ramon Llull, Blanquerna Faculty of Communication and International Relations, Blanquerna Observatory of Media, Religion and Culture, Barcelona", booktitle = "Media, Religion and Gender in Europe: RISECI –Religion in the Shaping of European Cultural Identity”", keywords = "Gender, Cultural Identity, Media, Religion, Europe, Women travelers, journalists, authors", abstract = "Presentation at “Media, Religion and Gender in Europe: RISECI –Religion in the Shaping of European Cultural Identity”, organized by the Blanquerna Faculty of Communication and International Relations, University Ramon Llull, with the support of the Culture programme of the European Union, Barcelona, June 13, 2014. [MME, ΘΡΗΣΚΕΙΑ ΚΑΙ ΦΥΛΟ ΣΤΗΝ ΕΥΡΩΠΗ: Η ΘΡΗΣΚΕΙΑ ΣΤΗ ΔΙΑΜΟΡΦΩΣΗ ΤΗΣ ΠΟΛΙΤΙΣΤΙΚΗΣ ΤΑΥΤΟΤΗΤΑΣ] ....... With Dr. Joseph M. Carbonell, Dean of the Blanquerna Faculty of Communication and International Relations, University Ramon Llull; Dr. Miriam Diez Bosch, Director of the Observatory on Media, Religion and Culture; Dr. Jordi Sanchez, Deputy Director of Blanquerna Observatory and other participants: Dr. Caroline Wilson, Duoda, Woen’s Research Centre, University of Barcelona; Dr. Silvia Planas, Director of History of Jews Museum and Institute Nahmanides in Girona; Dr. Mia Lovheim, Professor of Sociology of Religion, Univerisy of Upsala; Dr. Emiliana di Blasio, professor of sociology, Rome; Dr. Gaspar Martinez, Professor of Votproa Tjeppgu Faculty; Dr. Gloria Garcia Romeral; Dr. Joanna Sumiala, Universioty of Helsinki; Dr. Jordi Sanchez, Deputy Director of Blanquerna Observatory" }