@incollection{2417990, title = "PEACE EDUCATION: MOVING FORWARD THROUGH SPORT– ATHLETES UNITED FOR PEACE", author = "Irene Kamberidou", booktitle = "Gender, Social Capital, Multiculturalism and Sport (Κοινωνικό Φύλο, Κοινωνικό Κεφάλαιο, Πολυπολιτισμικότητα και Αθλητισμός)", publisher = "ΤΕΛΕΘΡΙΟ, Εκδοτικός Όμιλος ΙΩΝ", year = "2012", isbn = "978-960-8410-94-7", pages = "205-266", keywords = "Peace education, school violence, conflict resolution programs, racism, xenophobia, anti-Semitism, islamophobia, racial intolerance in sport, peace education today, Olympism, athletes as mentors, Peace First, Sport in Society (SIS), Athletes United for Peace, Football 4 Peace in Israel : Bringing Arabs and Jews together, Ultimate Peace in the Middle East, Palestinian and Jewish youth playing Ultimate Frisbee, orld Youth Peace Summit: Peace Walks and Scholar-Athlete Games, Mercy Corps, Teachers Without Borders (TWB), Volunteer Action for Peace (VAP), the International Institute on Peace Education (IIPE) and many more! Recommendations: Internet and digital experts, discriminated groups and social equality/equity experts, Mentors-leaders-role models in sport: Formal mentorship programs" }