Police entrapment and fair trial (comments on art. 25B of greek law 1729/87 on the misure of drugs on the occassion of the decision of the ECHR on the case Texeira de Castro vs. Portugal

Paper in Honorific Edition uoadl:1027845 350 Read counter

Original Title:
Αστυνομική παγίδευση και δίκαιη δίκη. Παρατηρήσεις στο άρθρο 25Β του ν. 1729/87 με αφορμή την απόφαση του ΕυρΔΔΑ στην υπόθεση Teixera de Castro κατά Πορτογαλίας
Languages of Item:
Translated title:
Police entrapment and fair trial (comments on art. 25B of greek law 1729/87 on the misure of drugs on the occassion of the decision of the ECHR on the case Texeira de Castro vs. Portugal
Αναγνωστόπουλος , Ηλίας Γ.
Empty abstract
Main subject category:
Criminal Procedure
Other subject categories:
Human Rights
European law
Criminology /Penology (Criminology -Corrections, Criminalistics)
Pages (from-to):
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