The international crime of the state in the law of international responsibility: evolution of the question within the framework of the activity of the United Nations International law Commission

Paper in Honorific Edition uoadl:1028321 344 Read counter

Original Title:
Το διεθνές έγκλημα του κράτους στο δίκαιο της διεθνούς ευθύνης: εξέλιξη του θέματος στο πλαίσιο των εργασιών της Επιτροπής Διεθνούς Δικαίου των Ηνωμένων Εθνών
Languages of Item:
Translated title:
The international crime of the state in the law of international responsibility: evolution of the question within the framework of the activity of the United Nations International law Commission
Oikonomides, Konstantinos P.
Empty abstract
Main subject category:
Criminal Procedure
Other subject categories:
International Law
Criminology /Penology (Criminology -Corrections, Criminalistics)
Pages (from-to):
The digital material of the item is not available.