Αποτύπωση προσδιοριστικών παραγόντων σε παχύσαρκα παιδιά. Διαμόρφωση προγραμμάτων πρόληψης και προαγωγής υγείας.

Doctoral Dissertation uoadl:1305841 299 Read counter

Τομέας Υγείας - Μητέρας - Παιδιού
Library of the School of Health Sciences
Deposit date:
Παπαγεωργίου Αννα
Dissertation committee:
Γεώργιος Χρούσος (Επιβλέπων), Εμμανουήλ Καναβάκης , Γεώργιος Δεδούσης
Original Title:
Αποτύπωση προσδιοριστικών παραγόντων σε παχύσαρκα παιδιά. Διαμόρφωση προγραμμάτων πρόληψης και προαγωγής υγείας.
Childhood obesity has always been a problem difficult to solve which has
reached epidemic proportions. The boundaries between the causes, between
prevention and treatment and between being overweight and obese cannot be
clearly defined.
Moreover, there is not only one single treatment by adopting only one simple
approach. In order to achieve optimum results, close cooperation between public
health services and clinical medicine is essential. It has also been
acknowledged that prevention and timely intervention are the only feasible
choices which can reduce the epidemic, since current practices fail on a large
In this study we have developed two intervention programmes with two different
approaches. Their common goal is to demonstrate their efficacy in the loss of
body weight and its maintenance as well as a change in nutritional behavior so
as to adopt healthy eating habits, such as having breakfast regularly,
consumption of fruits and vegetables and participation in physical exercise.
At the same time, we have attempted to demonstrate the intensity of the impact
these programmes have had on proven unhealthy behavioral choices, such as
consumption of sweets, sodas and fast food.
In the first part of the study the children followed a programme of
consultation nutritional intervention at the outpatient department of Agia
Sophia children’s hospital. In the specific part of the programme basic
anthropometric and biochemical variables were recorded and body composition
with the Dual Energy X-Ray Dexa was analysed.
The correlations between somatometrics, biochemical and bone markers were
compared with those of a group of children with normal body weight.
In the second part of the study, part of the sample followed a different
interventional programme of health promotion which was carried out at a summer
camp for three weeks. The children experientially participated in a nutritional
and physical exercise programme without specific calorific determination. The
reinforcement and rewarding of making healthy choices such as consumption of
fruit, vegetables, legumes and breakfast as well as participation in physical
activity and games were the basic part of the programme.
From the results of measurements and examination of anthropometric, biochemical
and bone markers and the analysis of body composition between the positively
correlated variables, the most potent ones proved to be those of lean body mass
with total bone calcium and bone mass, compared to those findings concerning
fat body mass.
Based on the use of model logarithmic regression in boys and girls, we reached
the conclusion that in boys variables of diagnostic value for the presence or
development of obesity is the existence or not of high cholesterol levels, TV
viewing time and the consumption of high glycemic index sweets and food on a
weekly basis. In girls it appeared to be physical activity, the existence or
not of high cholesterol levels and in a statistically marginal level the
consumption of legumes and food cooked in oil on a weekly basis.
Childhood obesity, Summer camp intervention, Weight managment, Genes, Bone markers
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