Thalassemia. Complications of blood transfusion

Postgraduate Thesis uoadl:1312607 307 Read counter

Κατεύθυνση Θρόμβωση-Αιμορραγία-Ιατρική των μεταγγίσεων
Library of the School of Health Sciences
Deposit date:
Καλογιάννη Αθανασία-Αικατερίνη
Supervisors info:
Λέκτορας Αιματολογίας, Σερένα Βαλσάμη
Original Title:
Μεσογειακή αναιμία. Επιπλοκές από τη μετάγγιση αίματος
Translated title:
Thalassemia. Complications of blood transfusion
Thalassemia is a clinically heterogeneous group of anemias inherited with
autosomal recessive condition. There are almost 270 millions of patients among
people of Mediterranean Sea, Near and Middle East, Asia and Africa. Thalassemia
is caused by mutations in globin genes that affect and reduce the synthesis of
hemoglobin. Thus, it is caused inefficient erythropoiesis with severe anemia
and hypoxia of tissues, especially in major thalassemia. Chronic transfusions
of red blood cells consist the basis for management of patients with
Thalassemia. However, a lot of reactions are reported due to chronic
transfusions. These complications can be classified to acute, delayed and
specific. Acute complications are discriminated to immunologic (acute
haemolytic reaction, febrile non haemolytic reaction, allergic reaction or
anaphylaxis, transfusion related acute lung injury) and non – immunologic
(transfusion associated circulatory overload, bacterial transfection).
Similarly, delayed complications are discriminated to immunologic
(alloimmunization, delayed haemolytic reaction, post transfusion porpura,
transfusion associated graft versus host disease, transfusion related
immunomodulation) and non – immunologic (transmission of infectious agents).
Repeated transfusions to thalassemic patients lead to specific complications
(iron overload, endocrine, cardiac, hepatic complications) due to iron
overload. Therefore, it is very important the chelation therapy, which aims to
iron removal and prevents from iron storage in the tissues. Like all the
patients who suffer from a chronic disorder, thalassemic patients have to deal
with serious challenges and restrictions in a daily basis. Thus, any effort to
enhance their quality of life is more necessary than ever before.
Thalassemia, Blood transfusion, Complications, Quality of life, Alloimmunization
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Number of pages:
xi, 96
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