Sexual education- a aspect of autism that has been neglected.A Pilot Study on Sexual Education of an Adolescent with Autism Spectrum Disorder and mental retardation

Postgraduate Thesis uoadl:2694439 1225 Read counter

Κατεύθυνση Ειδική Αγωγή
Library of the School of Philosophy
Deposit date:
Staveri Maria
Supervisors info:
Γενά Αγγελική, Καθηγήτρια Ειδικής Αγωγής
Γαλάνης Πέτρος, Δρ. Ειδικής Αγωγής
Τσιρέμπολου Εριφύλλη, Δρ. Ψυχολογίας
Original Title:
Σεξουαλική διαπαιδαγώγηση - μια πλευρά του αυτισμού που έχει παραμεληθεί: πιλοτική έρευνα για τη σεξουαλική εκπαίδευση ενός εφήβου με διαταραχή αυτιστικού φάσματος (δαφ) και νοητική υστέρηση
Translated title:
Sexual education- a aspect of autism that has been neglected.A Pilot Study on Sexual Education of an Adolescent with Autism Spectrum Disorder and mental retardation
Sexual education is critical for the people who enter puberty because through this may be set the foundations for the subsequent social, physical and emotional development of the human being. The sexual education is an aspect of autism that has been neglected since many are those who believe that the people who are on the specific spectrum do not have sexual needs, something that a lot of investigations have now rejected. Τhe aim of my pilot study is the development of a future sexual intervention programme for male adolescents with ASD on the one hand who even though try to masturbate, they fail to complete these efforts successfully. On the other hand it will observe how significantly sexuality affects the problematic behavior of autistic individuals. The effectiveness of intervention is evaluated by using multiple baseline across categories. Survey participants are a 15-year-old teenager with autism and mental retardation, and his father, who will be trained in order to undertake with his son the fourth part of the intervention which is the process of self-satisfaction. The others variables on which he is going to be trained is private body’s parts, knowledge of avoiding problematic forms of self- satisfaction and basic principles of successful self- satisfaction. The research subject presents a form of behavioral problem which should be eliminated by the integration of sex education. Intervention is completely personalized to the needs of the adolescent and it is based on the principles of Applied Behavior Analysis. Through this research our research team seeks to create a program in the short term where adolescents will be tested in a new trial and will be accessible to all adolescents – within range or not- so that through instruction and education they will be able to appropriately manage their sexuality without stigmatizing themselves or others.
Main subject category:
Education - Sport science
Autism Spectrum Disorder( ASD), Sexual Education, Applied Behavioral Analysis( ABA).
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