Geopolitical Dynamics of Space Resource Exploitation: The Case of Lunar Mining

Postgraduate Thesis uoadl:3401071 57 Read counter

Specialty Space Downstream
Deposit date:
Nikolopoulos-Tsigalidas Dionisios
Supervisors info:
Κολοβός Αλέξανδρος, Αναπληρωτής Καθηγητής
Αντώνης Πασχάλης, Καθηγητής
Βάιος Λάππας, Καθηγητής
Original Title:
Geopolitical Dynamics of Space Resource Exploitation: The Case of Lunar Mining
Translated title:
Geopolitical Dynamics of Space Resource Exploitation: The Case of Lunar Mining
The emergence of space resource exploitation, particularly lunar mining,
emerges as a new challenge within the evolving landscape of geopolitical
competition. The United States and China are at the forefront of this
endeavour, aiming to capitalize on the potential wealth of minerals and rare
earth elements found in extraterrestrial bodies. This competition extends
beyond mere economic gain; it represents a struggle for strategic dominance
and the ability to shape the rules governing space exploration and resource
utilization. The Artemis Accords, initiated by the United States, attempts
to establish a framework for space activities, including resource
extraction. A similar effort exists on the part of China and Russia with their strategic
cooperation on an International Lunar Research Station. However, the lack of consensus
on international regulations raises concerns about potential conflicts over lunar and other
extraterrestrial resources. The involvement of private companies and
additional nation-states further complicates the issue, heightening the risk
of an arms race and territorial disputes in space.
Mirroring earthly power dynamics, space geopolitics is rapidly evolving,
transforming space into a platform for projecting and securing national
interests. The pursuit of space resources could exacerbate legal, political,
and environmental challenges, including satellite saturation, space debris
generation, and intensified competition for strategic advantage. The case of
moon mining presents a study in space geopolitics, highlighting the
complexities and potential conflicts that arise when multiple actors aim to
exploit space resources. It offers a compelling case study for understanding
the wider range of complexities involved- economic opportunity, strategic
dominance, and rule-setting for resource utilization. The lunar mining case
study highlights the challenges we face as we venture further into the
cosmos. This new era of space rivalry is a contest for control over
resources and the strategic high ground of space, with potentially
far-reaching consequences for international peace and stability.
Main subject category:
SRU, Artemis Accords, Moon commercialization, space race, geopolitics
Number of index pages:
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