Κατεύθυνση Δημοσίου ΔικαίουLibrary of the School of Law
Supervisors info:
α) Κωνσταντίνος Θ. Γιαννακόπουλος, Καθηγητής Εθνικού και Καποδιστριακού Παν/μίου Αθηνών, Σχολή Νομικής
β) Παύλος – Μιχαήλ Ευστρατίου, Αναπληρωτής Καθηγητής Εθνικού και Καποδιστριακού Παν/μίου Αθηνών, Σχολή Νομικής
γ) Νικόλαος Σημαντήρας, Επίκουρος Καθηγητής Εθνικού και Καποδιστριακού Παν/μίου Αθηνών, Σχολή Νομικής
Original Title:
Οι πρότυπες προτάσεις για τα έργα υποδομής (Ν. 4903/2022)
Translated title:
The unsolicited proposals for infrastructure projects (Law 4903/2022)
The present study aims to investigate the institution of unsolicited proposals, as established by Law 4903/2022, which reflects the international trend towards flexible procurement models, while raising critical issues as to its compatibility with the provisions of EU public procurement law. In this context, it examines both the flexible award models in the national legal system and the possibility of characterising the institution as a sui generis form of functional infrastructure privatisation. In addition, the substantive and procedural divergences of the new legislation from EU and national public procurement law are analysed. Finally, the paper assesses the compatibility of the model proposals with the principles of competition law as applied in the field of public procurement.
Main subject category:
Law and Legislation
Other subject categories:
Public Law
Unsolicited proposals, public procurement, public contract award, principle of equal treatment, principle of transparency, principle of free competition, infrastructure market, innovation, law, competion law, EU law, CJEU, public tender
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