QRS score versus ST-segment changes in patients undergoing TI-201
scintigraphy using dipyridarnole infusion
Γλώσσες Τεκμηρίου:
Background. ST-segment changes after dipyridamole infusion followed by
handgrip isometric stress lack diagnostic value, because of the low
sensitivity for the detection of coronary artery disease (CAD). In
addition, an abnormal QRS score during exercise had a greater diagnostic
ability than ST-segment changes to detect CAD. This study was undertaken
to compare QRS score values with ST-segment changes during thallium 201
scintigraphy via dipyridamole infusion.
Methods and Results. In this study 128 patients (101 men and 27 women),
aged 53 to 72 years (mean, 59 +/- 8 years), underwent TI-201
scintigraphy after dipyridamole infusion and handgrip isometric stress,
as well as coronary angiography. QRS score values and ST-segment changes
after dipyridamole infusion and handgrip isometric stress were also
estimated. CAD was detected in 96 patients (75%), whereas normal
coronary arteries were found in 32 (25%). According to scintigraphic
data, 48 patients (37%) had no reversible perfusion defects whereas 80
(63%) had at least 1 reversible perfusion defect. Sensitivities for an
abnormal QRS score and ST-segment deviation were 68% versus 18% (P <
.01) for detection of CAD and 75% versus 19% for detection of
myocardial ischernia (P < .01), respectively. Similar specificities were
found (P = not significant).
Conclusions. An abnormal QRS score significantly improves the low
sensitivity of ST-segment changes for the detection of myocardial
ischemia and CAD by use of TI-201 scintigraphy with dipyridamole
infusion and handgrip isometric stress.
Michaelides, AP
Fourlas, CA
Andrikopoulos, GK
Dilaveris, PE
and Paspaliaris, AV
Stefanadis, CI
Journal of Nuclear Cardiology
QRS score; ST-segment changes; myocardial ischemia; coronary artery
disease; dipyridamole infusion