Conference Proceedings uoadl:1001814 4099 Read counter
1. Τα δίκτυα "Νευρών" και NEuroNet
Conference Paper uoadl:10444872. Neural Network Research in Europe
Conference Paper uoadl:10445043. Industrial applications of neural networks in Europe
Conference Paper uoadl:10445114. Research and development acrivity in neural networks in Greece
Conference Paper uoadl:10445135. Robust and adaptive training algorithms in Self-Organizing neural networks
Conference Paper uoadl:10445186. Knowledge-based neural control of industrial processes
Conference Paper uoadl:10445487. Artificial neural network in Cyprus
Conference Paper uoadl:10445568. Preprocessing data procedures to test non-linearity and/or non-stationarity
Conference Paper uoadl:10445649. Overview of the recent studies of neural networks in Bulgaria
Conference Paper uoadl:104457010. Neural and maschine intelligence for autonomous mobile agent control
Conference Paper uoadl:104457711. Neural networks, high performance computing, and information infrastructures
Conference Paper uoadl:104460112. Neural networks and related fields
Conference Paper uoadl:104460513. Pattern recognition, image processing and computer vision applications of neural networks
Conference Paper uoadl:104460714. Overview of Neural Network Activities in Turkish Universities
Conference Paper uoadl:104486815. Statement of Research activities
Conference Paper uoadl:104488217. Applications of neurocomputing in communications
Conference Paper uoadl:104489918. Celular neural network solution to a routing problem
Conference Paper uoadl:104492619. Νeural networks - Theory and applications: an overview of the activities in Yugoslavia
Conference Paper uoadl:1044940