Conference Proceedings uoadl:1014016 2295 Read counter
1. Aesthetic rhetoric in Plato's Phaedrums
Conference Paper uoadl:10141762. The Aesthetic of quantum nonlocality
Conference Paper uoadl:10141913. Second thoughts on the Aristotelian Μίμησις
Conference Paper uoadl:10148944. Portraits of plotinus and the symmetry theory of beauty
Conference Paper uoadl:10148965. Re-inventing Greek aesthetics as phenomenological science
Conference Paper uoadl:10149017. The aesthetic of everyday life. A problem of social philosophy and its Ancient Greek origins
Conference Paper uoadl:10149078. Plato's dialogues as artistic creations
Conference Paper uoadl:10149169. L'influence de l'art antique grec dans la publicité française contemporaine: mission et fonction
Conference Paper uoadl:101491910. The human in Aesthetics: a defense of a forgotten idea
Conference Paper uoadl:101492611. Plato's critique of poetry and the arts: the question of Plato's "critique of art" in the republic
Conference Paper uoadl:101493512. The problem of Mimesis in Aristotle's poetics
Conference Paper uoadl:101494113. Greek influences on the later traditions in art in Malaysia
Conference Paper uoadl:101495714. The role of beauty as a value in everyday life
Conference Paper uoadl:101496415. Geometry as a basis of "the aesthetical"
Conference Paper uoadl:101496816. Art as ontology. Heidegger on the origin of the work art
Conference Paper uoadl:101497617. Aspects of beauty according to Byzantine thinker G. Pachymeres
Conference Paper uoadl:101502518. Aesthetics and the incarnated Christ
Conference Paper uoadl:101503519. The meaning and content of so-called aesthetic terms in stoic thinking
Conference Paper uoadl:1015051