Επιθετική οδήγηση και συσχέτιση με το στρες και την προσωπικότητα του Έλληνα οδηγού

Postgraduate Thesis uoadl:1311190 573 Read counter

Κατεύθυνση Η Επιστήμη του Στρές και η Προαγωγή της Υγείας
Library of the School of Health Sciences
Deposit date:
Δανέλλη - Μυλωνά Βασιλική
Supervisors info:
Δαρβίρη Χριστίνα, Χλιαουτάκης Ιωάννης, Χρούσος Γεώργιος
Original Title:
Επιθετική οδήγηση και συσχέτιση με το στρες και την προσωπικότητα του Έλληνα οδηγού
Problem: Aggressive driving consists one of the major causes of traffic
crashes. In Greece there is insufficient data concerning the impact of stress
on driving behavior. In addition there is inadequate research evidence on the
personality profile of the aggressive driver.
Methodology: In order to conduct the research measures of self-reporting were
used in order to evaluate the perceived stress, driving behavior and traits
related to the driver’s personality. 271 questionnaires were completed by male
and female drivers.
Results: From the analysis of the main variables of the research it has been
shown that the driver’s perceived stress is associated with the demonstration
of higher frequency aggressive driving behaviors (p <0,01), while there seems
to be a statistically significant negative correlation between
conscientiousness and aggressive driving (p <0, 01). Additionally neuroticism
is associated with aggressive driving (p <0,01). Secondary measurements showed
that drivers with the most frequent self-reporting of dangerous driving
behaviors are the men and with borderline statistical significance have been
proved to be the motorcycle drivers. Age and socioeconomic status do not seem
to have a differentiating effect on aggressive driving.
Conclusion: As demonstrated by the findings, a large part of the sample shows
delinquent and risky driving behaviors. Stress seems to play a role in the
incidence of aggressive driving by the driver. More aggressive drivers have
proved to be the men with increased neuroticism whilst less aggressive drivers
the ones with high levels of conscientiousness.
Purpose of the study: The research findings of this study may contribute to the
increase of knowledge regarding the determinants of aggressive driving and
driver’s stress with the aim to engage relevant authorities to create programs
aiming at the prevention and reduction of traffic incidents.
Aggressive driving, Stress, Personality, Driving anger, Traffic violations
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