Retrospective recording of hypercalcemia in lung cancer patients

Postgraduate Thesis uoadl:1314653 376 Read counter

Κατεύθυνση Καρκίνος Πνεύμονα: Σύγχρονη Κλινικοεργαστηριακή Προσέγγιση και Έρευνα
Library of the School of Health Sciences
Deposit date:
Ντινέρη Αγγελική
Supervisors info:
Απόστολος Αχείμαστος (επιβλέπων), Πέτρος Μπακάκος, Ανδριανή Χαρπίδου
Original Title:
Aναδρομική καταγραφή της υπερασβεστιαιμίας σε ασθενείς με καρκίνο του πνεύμονα
Translated title:
Retrospective recording of hypercalcemia in lung cancer patients
Introduction: Hypercalcemia is a severe and ominous complication in lung cancer
patients which imposes prompt recognition, investigation and treatment.
Subjects & methods: Medical records of 100 sequential, non-selected, patients
with lung cancer and hypercalcemia of the Oncology Unit of the Third University
Department of Medicine in Sotiria Hospital were retrospectively studied. Data
on the clinical and laboratory patients’ characteristics and on outcome after
the diagnosis of hypercalcemia were collected.
Results: Patients with lung cancer and hypercalcemia were more frequently
suffered from advanced stage non-small cell lung cancer, mainly of squamous
type and adenocarcinoma. Osseous metastatic disease prevalence was 17.7%. The
median time to onset of hypercalcemia after cancer diagnosis was 95 days.
Hypercalcemia-leukocytosis syndrome was observed in 63.4% of the patients who
were at a more advanced stage of disease and had higher prevalence of bone
metastases than the others without leukocytosis. The median time to progression
was 3.5 months and the median survival time 13.8 months. In univariate Cox
regression models patients with lower serum albumin levels, concomitant
presence of leukocytosis, advanced stage of disease and without previous
oncology surgery exhibited poorer survival. In Cox proportional hazard model
analysis, serum albumin, metastatic disease and the history of surgical
excision were independent predictors of survival.
Conclusions: The present study in a small sample showed that hypercalcemia in
lung cancer is more frequent in patients with advanced stage non-small cell
lung cancer and deteriorates the prognosis, especially when hypercalcemia is
accompanied with leukocytosis, low serum albumin or metastatic disease.
Hypercalcemia, Lung cancer, Survival, Hypercalcemia-leukocytosis syndrome, Paraneoplastic syndrome
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