Self-assessment of performance in cognitive testing: evidence of differences between healthy elderly and MCI patients

Postgraduate Thesis uoadl:1315123 560 Read counter

Speciality Clinical Neuropsychology
Library of the School of Health Sciences
Deposit date:
Φραγκιαδάκη Στυλιανή - Πασχαλινή
Supervisors info:
Παπαγεωργίου Σωκράτης
Original Title:
Self-assessment of performance in cognitive testing: evidence of differences between healthy elderly and MCI patients
Translated title:
Αυτο-αξιολόγηση της επίδοσης σε νοητικές δοκιμασίες: σύγκριση υγειών ηλικιωμένων και ατόμων με Ήπια Νοητική Έκπτωση
Introduction: Self-assessment of performance implies the integration of
information from outer reality and from internal experience, in order to
understand one’s own ability with relatively objective terms. Up to date, few
studies have addressed this topic in Mild Cognitive Impairment (MCI) patients.
Objectives: To compare objective measure of performance with subjective
perception of specific performance on cognitive tests and investigate
differences in assessment between MCI patients and healthy elderly.
Methodology: 29 participants diagnosed with MCI (women=13, men=16, mean
age=65,31 years ±SD=7,41, mean education=13,17 years ±SD=4,03) and 32 matched
for age and education control subjects (women=18, men=14, mean age=61,03 years
±SD=9,37, mean education=13,88±SD=3,02) were examined with an extended battery
of neuropsychological tests. After every test they were asked to self -evaluate
their performance by comparing it to what they considered as average for people
of their age and educational level. This self-evaluation was reported on a
scale ranging from -100 to +100. Results: Significant differences were found in
the self-assessment patterns of the two groups in memory measures of verbal and
visual delayed recall, visuospatial perception and tests of attention. MCI
patients were also found to overestimate their performance on every cognitive
domain while control participants underestimated their performance on measures
of verbal memory. A smaller effect of age and gender was also observed.
Conclusions: The present results indicate that accuracy of self-report is not
uniform across groups and functional areas. The discrepancies in the MCI
patients indicate unawareness of their memory deficits which is contradictory
to subjective memory complaints as an important component for clinical
Self-awareness, Self-assessment, Neyropsychological assessment, Subjective measures, Mild cognitive impairment
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