Disclosure of personal data: public health protection or violation of human rights? the case of hiv-infected patients facing persecution.

Graduate Thesis uoadl:1324020 2978 Read counter

Κατεύθυνση Διεθνής Ιατρική - Διαχείριση Κρίσεων Υγείας
Library of the School of Health Sciences
Deposit date:
Κωνσταντέλλου Μαρία
Supervisors info:
Άγης Τερζίδης
Original Title:
Δημοσιοποίηση προσωπικών δεδομένων: μέτρο προστασίας δημόσιας υγείας ή καταπάτηση των ανθρώπινων δικαιωμάτων. Η υπόθεση των διωκόμενων οροθετικών.
Translated title:
Disclosure of personal data: public health protection or violation of human rights? the case of hiv-infected patients facing persecution.
This paper examines the action of publishing personal data and photographs of
seropositive women prosecuted in May of 2012 with the excuse of public purposes
while setting the question whether this act is covered under the scope of
protection of public health or whether it constitutes a flagrant act of human
rights violation.
The study of this subject is not easy. The major problem is the lack of Greek
literature which may be due to the lack of interest on this phenomenon. At the
same time, the absence of data witnesses the attitude of Greek society for this
phenomenon. Both in the past and present many families due to the fear of
social criticism and stigma, hide the seropositivity of relatives and friends.
This fact demonstrates the wrong recorded numbers, makes us wonder whether the
reported incidents of seropositivity are representative to the reality.
In order to overcome these difficulties, we followed three basic steps. The
first involved the study of the virus of HIV / AIDS, giving a brief overview of
the rights and the obligations of HIV-positive people. The second concerned the
examination of public opinion against the seroprevalence which was based on
literature review, demonstrating similarities at global social level. The
problems arise from the stigmatization of vulnerable social groups. Moreover,
we realized the crucial role of the media in both the perpetuation and
reproduction of prejudices and beliefs and combating stigma and promoting
information, knowledge, having as ultimate goal the prevention and awareness.
Finally, we examined the case of persecuted seropositive, in May of 2012 who
detained, subjected to rapid test diagnosis without their consent in order to
verify whether they are HIV positive and finally published their personal data
(names, place of origin, age and in many cases names parents) and photographs,
in order to protect public health.
AIDS/HIV, Stigma, Social isolation, Human rights, Greek Government Gazette Issue No 39 Α
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