Τομέας Υπολογιστικών Συστημάτων και ΕφαρμογώνLibrary of the School of Science
Σκαράκης Γεράσιμος
Supervisors info:
Ευστάθιος Χατζηευθημιάδης
Original Title:
ανίχνευση αλλαγών και συσταδοποίηση σε πραγματικό χρόνο
Translated title:
change detection and clustering in real time
While the volume of information that is available increases with an exponential
rate over time, the need to export the useful knowledge that is accumulated in
the information. The study of the techniques through with which this is
achieved, is an important field of research.
The purpose of this project is to look at the ways in which I can find changes
in datasets with numerical data, using change detection and clustering
algorithms. With experimental studies I analyze the pros and cons of each
algorithm and I conclude to the most effective metrics for this purpose.
change detection, clustering, algorithm