Sport agency, sport activism, peacemakers, conflict resolution, gender, multiculturalism, racism, xenophobia, athletes united for peace
Project information:
Chapter in Encyclopedia of Life Support Systems (EOLSS), retrieved November 13, 2018. [When citing: Kamberidou, I. (2012). New Realms of Agency: Promoting Peace Education and Gender Equity through Sport. In SPORT SCIENCE AND PHYSICAL EDUCATION – Vol. I. Encyclopedia of Life Support Systems (EOLSS), Eolss Publishers, Oxford ,UK. Oxford ,UK: Developed under the Auspices of UNESCO, Eolss publ.
....... ....... ABSTRACT: This chapter provides an overview of new realms of agency, pioneering work that advocates peace, empowerment and active participation. Drawing from the experiences of existing models of coexistence, such as the expanding sport, development and peace (SDP) sector, it offers a focus for scholarly inquiry into sport’s relationship to conflict and peace. Remarkable results have been documented on the ongoing peace education programs—age-appropriate curricula, service-learning activities and civic engagement projects— that have been inspiring a new generation of athletes, educators, students and volunteers to become activists (peacemakers). In exploring the evolving realms of sport agency in this process the following questions are raised: Can sport serve as a platform for bridging socio-cultural and political gaps? Is sport an effective agent of social change, a means for building sustainable peaceful relations? Can sport be used as a tool to bring gender issues into the mainstream of society since gender equity is never separate from diversity issues or respect for diversity: ethnicity, race, disability, age, language, colour, income, etc. Global grassroots movements for peace education have been underway for many years. A wide variety of organizations have been using sport to nurture peacemaking across divided communities, to promote gender equity and eliminate racism and violence in schools and communities, and in particular campaigns to rid sport of anti-Semitism and islamophobia. The social space of Sport has been building up knowledge and experience in the promotion of peace and development deploying this expertise in areas such as peace education .