Κατεύθυνση Μουσική ΤεχνολογίαLibrary of the School of Philosophy
Dionatos Gerasimos
Supervisors info:
Δρ. Αναστασία Γεωργάκη (Αν.καθηγήτρια, ΤΜΣ, ΕΚΠΑ)
Δρ. Γιώργος Κωστελέτος (Ερευνητής, ΙΑΤΡΙΚΗ/ΤΜΣ, ΕΚΠΑ)
Original Title:
H επιδραση της μουσικης στην αναγνωριση συναισθηματικων εκφρασεων προσωπου : Eπιστημονικες και μουσικολογικες προσεγγισεις
Translated title:
The effect of music on the recognition of emotion in facial expressions: Scientific and musicological perspectives
Undoubtedly music is an important means for modern society’s entertainment. It is involved in many everyday activities and influences our perception of what surrounds us (P.N.Juslin, P.Laukka 2010 ; J.A.Sloboda 2001 ; A.Wells, E.A.Hakanen 1991 ; S.Koelsch 2010). According to our present scientific knowledge, music can affect certain aspects of our visual perception (W.Jeong et al. 2010 ;J.Jolij, M.Meurs 2011 ; Α.Μ.Proverbio et al. 2015). In the present study we designed and implemented an experiment based on the experimental methodology and findings of a previous study by N.Logeswaran and J.Battacharya (2009). Specifically, our aim was to conduct a similar experiment in order to explore the possible influence of music listening on facial expression of emotions in the case of a typical Greek population sample. Our findings seem refute this possibility since, at least in our sample, music listening failed to influence the judgment regarding the emotional content of facial expressions.
Main subject category:
Philosophy - Psychology
Facial expressions, aroused musical emotion, expressed musical emotion, Greek population, Greek music, Music Universals, BRECVEM model
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