This paper focuses on how to achieve a participatory musical performance with the help of new technologies.
In the first part we present a historical retrospective of the dramatic interpretation of music through the use of technology and the interaction that it has with the audience.
In the second part we examine new user-friendly sytstems that give the freedom to the performer and the audience to interact. This includes collaborative music creation systems, interactive score followers, automatic accompaniment systems and vocoders.
The third part is a case study of "Oedipus", a musical drama directed by Elli Papakonstantinou, presented at the Center for Computer Research in Music and Acoustics (CCRMA) at Stanford University in April 2019. This production uses the aforementioned technology to transform the audience into the chorus and engage them in the real-time process of music composition.
interaction, Oedipus, chorus, musical drama, vocoder, participatory performance, creativity, audience participation, directed improvisation, music score, automatic accompaniment, algorithm, score following- matching, MIDI, Bayesian networks, HMM.