Affects of War: Applying Assemblage-Thinking Approach to the Exploration of Personhood in Middle to Late Helladic Burial Habits

Postgraduate Thesis uoadl:2883574 444 Read counter

Specialty Greek and Eastern Mediterranean Archaeology: From the Bronze Age Palaces to the Hellenistic Kingdoms
Library of the School of Philosophy
Deposit date:
Jorgensen Eva
Supervisors info:
Giorgos Vavouranakis: Associate Professor of Prehistoric
Archaeology, National and Kapodistrian University of Athens.

Eleni Mantzourani: Professor of Prehistoric
Archaeology, National and Kapodistrian University of Athens.

Konstantinos Kopanias: Associate Professor in the Archaeology
of the Eastern Mediterranean, National and Kapodistrian University of Athens.
Original Title:
Affects of War: Applying Assemblage-Thinking Approach to the Exploration of Personhood in Middle to Late Helladic Burial Habits
Translated title:
Affects of War: Applying Assemblage-Thinking Approach to the Exploration of Personhood in Middle to Late Helladic Burial Habits
This dissertation seeks to explore the concept of personhood in Helladic burial habits through assemblage theory, which is a relatively novel theory that highlights the complex relationships existing between humans and their material culture. Previous studies of Helladic mortuary rites have gradually moved from searching for individual identities towards focusing on relationality of personhood, a shift which has resulted in deconstruction of identity where the concept of the individual is at risk of being lost. Using case studies of Grave Circles A and B in Mycenae, the warrior grave of Kolonna and the Griffin Warrior grave of Pylos, arguments will be made that the Mycenaean warrior ideology was created through the process of remembering and forgetting where it arises from the dialectic relationship between individuality and dividualism. With this approach, I hope to introduce assemblage-thinking into the methodology of Helladic mortuary archaeology where a balanced account of the agency of humans and materials is offered.
Main subject category:
assemblage theory, personhood, affect, helladic burial habits, middle helladic burials, dividuals, mortuary rituals, warrior ideology, materialism, agency
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