Histological study of the damaging effect of solar radiation on the skin dermis

Doctoral Dissertation uoadl:2921817 161 Read counter

Faculty of Medicine
Library of the School of Health Sciences
Deposit date:
Biskanaki Foteini
Dissertation committee:
Ανδρέας Χ. Λάζαρης, Καθηγητής,Ιατρική Σχολή, EKΠΑ
Νικόλαος Καβαντζάς, Καθηγητής, Ιατρική Σχολή, ΕΚΠΑ
Βασιλική Κεφαλά, Καθηγήτρια, Βιοϊατρικών Επιστημών, ΠΑΔΑ
Γεώργιος Αγρογιάννης Αναπλ. Καθηγητής, Ιατρική Σχολή,ΕΚΠΑ
Ειρήνη Θυμαρά, Επίκ. Καθηγήτρια, Ιατρική Σχολή, ΕΚΠΑ
Στρατηγούλα Σακελλαρίου, Επίκ. Καθηγήτρια, Ιατρική Σχολή, ΕΚΠΑ
Ευστάθιος Ράλλης, Επίκ. Καθηγητής, Βιοϊατρικών Επιστημών, ΠΑΔΑ
Original Title:
Ιστολογική μελέτη της ζημιογόνου επίδρασης της ηλιακής ακτινοβολίας στο χόριο του δέρματος
Translated title:
Histological study of the damaging effect of solar radiation on the skin dermis
It has been scientifically proven that the accumulative exposure to solar radiation can cause negative effects on the skin and human’s health. The main research was on the lesions of the dermis caused by ultraviolet radiation. UV radiation is absorbed by the dermis and even more by the epidermis. For this reason, the solar elastosis appears on the surface and can change the structure of the skin's collagen. The aim was on the lookout for cases in which surrounding tissues or organs could be infiltrated, as well as to monitor the progress of skin cells from healthy to pathological. The sample was tissue parrafin blocks (n = 135). Immunohistochemistry was performed with collagen type I (ColI) and collagen type VI (ColVI) antibodies. This technique unites the branches of immunology, histology and chemistry, as it is a combination of immune and chemical reactions, which are made visible under a microscope. A total of 405 slides were studied under the microscope for conclusions. A statistical analysis of histological findings from healthy and pathological tissues was performed on the expression of ColI and ColVI along the dermis, between the epidermis and the solar elastosis. The severity of the solar elastosis and the expression of ColI and ColVI in dermis were studied. Col I and Col VI caused degeneration along dermis in the tumor areas, whereas Col VI was homogenous with more intense expression. Solar (UV) radiation is absorbed in the dermis and even more in the epidermis. For this reason, the solar elastosis appears on the surface and can change the structure of the skin's collagen. In order to understand the expression of ColI and VI in the dermis, we studied the expression and their detection in healthy skin and in skins that have been characterized by degenerative lesions.These two types of collagen showed the same expression in healthy skin and a completely different distribution in the skin with photoaging and tumors. The results of this study could be correlated with the increased expression of collagen VI and the appearance of the tumor (benign, in situ, and cancerous) which and can be considered as a possible biomarker for the diagnosis of cancer. The literature published so far highlights the presence of ColVI in malignant cells and has been cited in ColVI's differential expression as a promising diagnostic and prognostic parameter. Nevertheless, it is still a promising open field of research.
Main subject category:
Health Sciences
Solar elastosis, Collagen I, Collagen VI, Dermis, Solar radiation
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