Compartment syndrome management in multi-injured patients. Systematic review.

Postgraduate Thesis uoadl:2925134 158 Read counter

Κατεύθυνση Επείγουσα Νοσηλευτική
Library of the School of Health Sciences
Deposit date:
Kollia Androniki
Supervisors info:
Γ. Τουλιά, Επίκουρη Καθηγήτρια, Τμήμα Νοσηλευτικής, ΠΑΔΑ
Χρ. Μαρβάκη, ομότιμη Καθηγήτρια, Τμήμα Νοσηλευτικής, ΤΕΙ Αθήνας
Αντ. Καλογιάννη, Επίκουρη Καθηγήτρια, Τμήμα Νοσηλευτικής, ΠΑΔΑ
Original Title:
Διαχείριση συνδρόμου διαμερίσματος σε πολυτραυματία. Συστηματική ανασκόπηση.
Translated title:
Compartment syndrome management in multi-injured patients. Systematic review.
Introduction: Compartment syndrome is a very urgent and immediately life-threatening clinical condition. When the disease is associated with multiple injuries, the outcome is sure to be long lasting, as the organic effect varies. Purpose: Investigating the appropriate ways to manage and treat compartment syndrome in multiple injured patients, as they are reported in the world literature. Material & Method: This is a systematic review study. A research was conducted in Greek and international literature, in the SafeLit, ShienceDirect and PubMed online databases. The keywords used are management and compartment syndrome. Results: The main risk factors appeared to be age, injuries and fractures. In the majority of cases there was immediate admission to the operating room within the first 6 hours, an urgent need for a fasciotomy, and frequent intracompartmental pressure measurement. Patients with burns and pelvic fractures, who developed compartment syndrome, had a mortality rate of 40% and 62.5%, respectively, while patients with compartment syndrome in the upper extremities were not found to be in danger. Finally, there was a significant correlation with mean intracompartmental pressure and the severity of disability. Conclusion: References to global indexing bases are limited, that can produce results. Although there is considerable variability in definitive management of the patient with CS, it appears that patients with CS in the lower extremities need to prevent complications that may affect quality of life, while appearing in the abdomen require close monitoring as they have poor outcomes. Selective fasciotomy appeared to be feasible and appeared to be safe
Main subject category:
Health Sciences
Management and compartment syndrome.
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